
Pastoral transitions are highly anxious times for churches. The Shepherds will share information regularly through the weekly email so as to lessen these worries. Please be sure to carefully read these updates and, if you have any questions, ask the Lay Shepherds (Dean Olerich, Katie Grover, Sandra Frampton). Asking them your questions directly will ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information. Asking other people may lead to disinformation, unnecessary confusion, and heightened anxiety.

Pastoral Transition Update: Designated Term Pastor
The search process for our next pastor has begun! We will be hiring a Designated Term Pastor (DTP). DTPs minister for a specific time (the average is 3-5 years) and for a specific purpose. For example, DTPs are called when churches are facing possible physical relocation/selling of a building, open to uniting or sharing ministry with another congregation, considering future viability (and other reasons that do not apply to St. Peter). Want to know more about DTPs? Click here.

Pastoral Transition Update: Pastoral Coverage
There will be a gap between Pastor Ruth's departure and the start of our Designated Term Pastor. During this time, several local pastors will be covering emergencies and funerals. If you need to be put in contact with them, contact the office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or one of the Lay Shepherds (Katie Grover, Dean Olerich, Sandra Frampton).

Pastoral Transition Update (as of 8/26/24)
The Pastoral Profile has been submitted and we have a Zoom meeting with the Conference minister scheduled.